CSE: Plaguestone Ep 304–Chungus Amongus

The party makes their way through the inner sanctum of Spite’s Cradle. Some birds aren’t the word, and for once, the party doesn’t find themselves in a souper amount of trouble. But that probably won’t last.

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CSE: Plaguestone Ep 303–Down Goes FrasNar

This episode, we’ll see if Algid’s gambit pays off, and if the party has finally learned their lesson about splitting up. Tempers are tested as the group find they all have different priorities, and Säncti tries to create new gaseous magic.

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CSE: Plaguestone Ep 302–ReinfORCments

After finding the orcs’ sleeping quarters, Organa provokes them with quite a wake-up call, and promptly faces retribution. Can the party orc-hestrate a defense against an enraged guard force hungry for revenge?

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CSE: Plaguestone Ep 301–Surf’s Up, Party’s Down

Following some vital clues, the party makes their way to the home of their quarry. But they come across a bit more than they bargained for (yet) and immediately start lying down on the job. We see some flashy new things, as well as a visit from beyond.

You can visit us on twitter and facebook and even chat with us on discord!

CSE: Plaguestone Interlude 2–Party Flavors

Welcome back everyone for another step out of character between chapters! We discuss some character updates, tactical activities, old scenes, and new affinities! And a bit of stuff that doesn’t even have to do much with the game.

Feel free to drop some questions for us to answer (either in the post game, or maybe a special chat we can do during the lockdown).

You can visit us on twitter and facebook and even chat with us on discord!

CSE: Plaguestone Ep 207–Blood Oath pt 2

The party continues its battle against orc and ooze in a fashion similar to all their other major fights thus far. Among the party members left, there are some interesting developments as well as discoveries. What secrets are revealed in the season 2 finale?

You can visit us on twitter and facebook and even chat with us on discord!

CSE: Plaguestone Ep 206–Blood Oath pt 1

After a bit of dabbling and rest, the party moves forward to further explore the depths of the cave/laboratory they came discovered. The come across something that Säncti has trouble determining if friend or foe.

You can visit us on twitter and facebook and even chat with us on discord!

CSE: Plaguestone Ep 205–Sexual Healing

The party begins exploring the pen and neglects their own wounds while trying to make a new friend. Will this oversight hurt them in the near future? With their luck, everything should be just fine. Just. Fine.

You can visit us on twitter and facebook and even chat with us on discord!

CSE: Plaguestone Ep 204–Damage on Do Daze

Hot off their scorching victory over a bunch of plant creatures and Mother Nature, the party crashed through an intricate bio-mechanical doorway into the pen, and saw they had some company awaiting their arrival. Can the group pull off a repeat performance, or did they get themselves into a bit of hot water?

You can visit us on twitter and facebook and even chat with us on discord!

CSE: Plaguestone Ep 203–Just Blaze It

It isn’t often party shenanigans work out in favor of the party, but that’s why this episode is the near-unanimous favorite among the crew. Spool up some CCR around the 30 minute mark for a little extra immersion. This episode is LIT.

You can visit us on twitter and facebook and even chat with us on discord!